onsdag 21. september 2011

New York

This week end we went on a trip to New York!
The bus left from campus at 7 a.m., 8 hours later we were in the Big Apple!
We stayed at the West Side YMCA, which was ok, great location at Columbus Circle, right next to Central Park!
We had so much fun! I really, really, really love NY!

We met up with Gisken :)

Hope I'll see you again really soon, beautiful city!

3 kommentarer:

  1. So. Jealous. !! Does your friend Giske study in New York?

  2. Yes, Gisken studies in NY :) And she's coming to visit me here in Indiana in a month! Which I think you should do too, by the way :P

  3. woho fikk postkortet ditt i posten i går! så fort det gikk denne gangen :) savner deg! (litt) håper å høre masse mer snart! Skriv litt om hvordan det går på skolen! :D
